A Solutions Law Firm

“We pride ourselves in being a full service law office–if you have a legal need–we have a solution! Don’t go it alone-we can and will help!”


With over 35 years of collective practice, we are dedicated to making sure that you are able get exactly what you need through trusted and decisive legal representation.

Whether you are considering divorce, or have just been served with divorce papers, it is imperative that you contact an experienced attorney in your area. The Law Offices of Travis Whitfield has both the knowledge and experience to provide you with the thoughtful and decisive legal representation you deserve.

If you have just been served with divorce papers, you need to contact a local attorney immediately. Most often the papers you have been served with are time sensitive and require you to be in court on a certain date and time.  If you do not show up and you have been properly served, the judge could make orders that are very bad for your case.  If you show up to your first appearance and ask for a continuance, the judge may grant you time to find and retain an attorney. You should not wait!  It is best to have an experienced attorney with you at all times in the courtroom.

If you are having problems with child custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, property division, modifications, domestic violence or restraining orders, you should call our office immediately.  Domestic violence is a serious problem in California and victims often do not know who to turn to.  You do not have to stand for acts of domestic violence, which may include stalking, threatening, abusive behavior, damage to property, or worse yet, serious bodily injury.  If you feel that you may be a victim of domestic violence, you should dial 911and report it to the local authorities immediately!

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